Due to the pandemic, A lot of people are finding themselves strapped for cash this summer and are rearranging priorities for themselves and their families. Sometimes, the landscape falls to the bottom of the list in terms of how much money can be spent on it. If you're finding yourself in this situation, I have a few options for you that can still have you thinking about self-sufficiency long term and get your landscape in shape.
Consultations: You may not be able to put the money into a master or planting plan this summer, but you may find yourself with time on your hands and energy to expend. If you want to get working on your landscape, but need some professional help in planning, we are here for over the phone/email or site visits. You do the work, but we help you plan.
Creating Beds: Maybe you can't afford a ton of plants this summer, but you want help getting a bed ready for when things change. We can help create your in ground, or raised, garden beds and help you pick out the seeds necessary for annual flowers, cover crops, and vegetables.
Make the plans, hold the install: If you're willing to put money towards your landscape plans, we can make the plans for you this summer, and hold off on installation till Fall or next Spring. We can also help you decide what can be planted if you decide to move forward on small projects.
Maintenance: If you can't make any new plans this year, don't let your other gardens fall apart. With minimal maintenance visits, we can make less work for you in the long haul and let you focus on what's next. If you'd like to work alongside us for training, we'd love that!
Whatever your goals for your landscape are this year, whether it be more ornamental or more about self-sufficient planning, we're here to help guide you through it.